Strength Classes

Get moving from the comfort of your home!

For preconception & those who are more than 6 months postpartum.


45-Minute strenth training classes that are easy to modify to your needs and abilities. I’m there to give you form feedback, answer questions, and guide you through a class that you’ll leave feeling energized.

No pre-registration required, just come when you can.
Kid taking a nap? Awesome, get your workout it!
Kid hanging out with you? Have them move their body too!

Equipment that is good to have on hand:
-Theraband Set
-Band Anchor
-Pilates Ball
-Weights (8lbs are a great place to start!)
If you already own similar items use what you've got!

Space Needs: You need about the space of a yoga mat to take class. Ideally, you will also be able to set up your computer's camera in a way that allows me to see you in order to give you form feedback. We may go "off-mat" at times, so you may need to occasionally shove a chair or two out of the way!

Classes are held most Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10am.
You can check the class schedule here.