
Planning on getting pregnant? Already are?

Now is a wonderful time to prepare your body for the changes ahead.


Movement For Pregnancy

Movement For Pregnancy is a two hour deep dive into all you need to know about how your musculoskeletal body adjusts throughout pregnancy and steps you can take to stay strong and comfortable. In the workshop we will use group discussion, movement practice, and a lab to cover:

  • -The anatomy of the core
    -Breath and core integration
    -A full postural assessment for every participant
    -Stability & Mobility exercises for each stage of the perinatal process
    -A movement series to incorporate into your daily life


No One Tells You This Stuff…And The Internet Is a Scary Place

When trying to figure out how and when to exercise during pregnancy, you might get a lot of confusing information. A healthcare provider may touch on relaxin and tell you to get the recommended 150 minutes of exercise per week, but what does that actually look like?

There are amazing changes that happen in the body throughout pregnancy and having a full understanding of those changes will allow you to feel confident in your movement choices. Of course we will go over the things to avoid, but more importantly, we will cover things to include.

Assess Compensations, Imbalances, and Movement Habits

Throughout our lives we develop compensations and movement patterns that serve us well. Because of the changes in center of gravity and loads that happen during pregnancy those compensations tend to show themselves, leading to common aches and pains. I find that it is not pregnancy itself that causes discomfort, but the exaggeration of compensations. Let’s take advantage of this time to address your movement patterns head on.

When pregnant, you are already tuning into your body’s changes, wants, and needs more than ever before. You can utilize this opportunity to clean up your movement patterns, making changes that will serve you for the rest of your life.


When should you take this class?

Movement For Pregnancy can be taken preconception or anytime during pregnancy. The earlier the better!

When and where is the class held?

Due to Covid-19, all workshops are currently postponed. If this topic interests you please e-mail me to arrange for a private class.

How much does it cost and what does that cover?

The cost of attendance is $75. Each workshop is capped at 8 participants.

With purchase you receive a take-home sheet from your postural lab, a printed “morning moves” series of exercises that we will practice in class, and a follow-up email with helpful links to keep your education going. Participants also receive 10% off a New Client Intro Pack of In-Home Personal Training sessions.

Another bonus!

In collaboration with Sharon Muza, childbirth education extraordinaire, your registration in this Movement For Pregnancy workshop saves you $10 off Sharon’s Early Pregnancy YOUR Way class. Taken in early pregnancy, Sharon helps you identify choices and take actions that let you start your pregnancy off right.  Look for the discount code in your registration confirmation.

All bodies are welcome.
No fitness experience or prior anatomical knowledge required.